Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Roommate Reminiscing

Something happened Friday that completely cracked me up! Tim and I were sitting on the sofa and wanted to watch some television, but we couldn't find the remote. He stuck his hand between the cushions, screamed... jerked his hand out and something went flying across the room. So, obviously when he screamed, I screamed. Quite hilarious! Well - we searched the living room to find the unidentified flying object, only to find that it was a cat nip mouse from when I lived with Kelli and the crazy kitty, Ella, who had to be (excuse the crude phrase) the world's horniest cat! So, I've spent the weekend remembering fun times with Kelli, Johnathan, Jessica and the crazy cat. I remember them and John's sister, Meghan, helping me plan my first "date" with Tim... picking out scary movies so I'd have an excuse to cuddle up with him. Ahh... fun times. Jessica helped me iron my clothes, Kelli helped me pick out the movie. I think Johnathan ordered the pizza. Ella picked the most frightening moments in the movie to jump on our laps and scare the bejesus out of us. Meghan just grinned at us everytime I slipped a little closer. I can't believe that It's been almost two years since I moved out of that apartment. Wow. I miss those folks.


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