Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Technical Difficulties

My most awesome of Spring Break trips was filled with "technical difficulties." Let me walk you through... Picture this: 3:30am Monday morning - I'm halfway asleep in the front seat of a Chartered bus cruising down GA's I-75. The bus driver, awesome guy named Ty, mentions that we need to "gas up"...we cruise down the exit ramp, stop at the stop sign. Ty says, "Oh No!" as we feel the bus lurch. The trasmission on the bus went out. We were stuck on the side of the exit ramp for 3.5 hours waiting for our replacement bus to get there. The other bus load of students with the other band director went on to Disney without us. (Quite a sad sight.) Well, at about 4:30am, I needed Tylenol and Tim and I both wanted to stretch our legs a little. I spotted a Citgo station across the street. Tim saw a guy bathing himself in the bathroom sink there and I got winked at by a guy with WAY to many scary lookin' tatoos. At about 7am, we switched buses and continued on our journey. Things were going pretty well. Until EVERY FREAKIN' RIDE at Disney experienced "technical difficulties" while Tim and I were in line. "Small World" froze up, we got stuck on "Haunted Mansion", "Tower of Tower" was having issues... HUMUNGO wait times... Then, as the band was on the way to our workshop in the Disney recording studios our bus was in an accident. We were sitting at a red light, waiting to turn right, when a Disney tram bus rammed into the side of us. (Don't ask how it happended, 'cause who knows...) It ripped our bumper off, broke off the mirror, and shattered a window or two. Crazy times! I'm amazed that I made it home alive. But - tons of memories made, and I had a fantastic time! Glad to be home.


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry sweety! I miss ya! Have a great day!


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