Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, March 24, 2005

heavenly hands

Today was the 8th grade career fair. (In 8th grade I couldn't decide what clothes to wear the next day, never the less what career to choose...anyway...) I was walking around, monitoring students and one of my band kids walked over and told me that his mom wanted to talk to me. I glanced around the room at the military booths, the architect, the vet, the computer technician.... finally my eyes rested on the pretty lady with the massage chair. That was her. I swear, I could hear angels! We talked for a few minutes about how great her son has been, then she invited me into the chair. (YAY!!!) Ah- heavenly hands worked all the tension from my shoulders. I haven't felt this "light" in ages! Yay for her!!!! (If I was a "bribe-takin' teacher", her son would have an A+! Well... he already does, but that's beside the point.) Now, if I can just survive the 7th graders... they come in a half-hour. (1 more day 'till spring break!) Holla!


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