Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, March 21, 2005

So Loud!

Why? Why must my neighbors be so unbelieveably noisy?!? They stand on the balcony right outside my door and cackle all night long. I don't mean that they laugh really loudly - I mean they freakin' CACKLE for hours! They're out there when I'm getting ready for work in the mornings - they're out there when I get home - they're out there now and they'll be there when I go to bed. EVERY day. Yelling, cackling and grilling god knows what. I'm glad they're having fun, and they're nice people - but take a break already! Anyway - I'm SO ready for Spring Break. 4 days 'till I get a week off from my hoodlums. I never realized that my teachers were as excited as I was about holidays! I'm chaperoning a trip to Disney over Spring Break, so that'll be fun. And - Tim's a chaperone too! (Free Disney trip with my honey - does it get better?) Load the bus! I'm ready to go!


At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should try cackling back at them - only louder and more annoyingly...show them who's boss. :)


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