Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

This is What the Sun Tastes Like

I just saw the world's most freakin' hilarious Sonic commercial!

Guy 1: This is what the sun tastes like. I'd like to go into space, scoop up a cup of the sun and taste it.

Guy 2: I hope I'm there to see you do it.

Guy 1: It would be fun to go into space.

Guy 2: It would be fun to watch your face melt off.

(That may not be exact - but you catch the drift.) I mean, what the crap?!? I'm sitting alone in my living room and I just laughed out loud!!

Anyway - today was an okay day at school. Nothin' terribly exciting.

(New Sub-Title within post)

There have been quite a few movies/tv shows filmed in my hometown of Covington, Georgia. It's a small town about an hour from Atlanta. Anyway - I got curious yesterday about how many things have actually been filmed there. I compiled a list.

-In the Heat of the Night (they actually filmed an episode of this in my Dad's store!)
-Dukes of Hazard (you know that car jumpin' scene in the opening credits? Yeah - that's Covington! WHOO HOO!)
-Friday the 13th Part VI
-Remember the Titans (the car crash scene was filmed on our City Square)
-Miss Evers Boys (made for HBO)
-Past the Bleachers (made for Hallmark)

That's all I could find for now... Hmmm... Interesting.


At 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - Lori is the coolest girl in the world. :) I stole your survey by the way....fun stuff. Sorry about all the technical difficulties on your trip to Disney World... but I'm glad you had fun anyway! We need to hang out some time soon!!


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