Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Rookie Camp is over.  *HUGE whoppin' sighs of relief*   There's not much in the world more challenging mentally than teaching a massive group of new high school freshmen the fundamentals of marching band.  Whew - it was an adventure.  I'm at my parents' house for the weekend.   Britt (my 20 y/o bro) had his wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday.  The poor fella looks like a chipmonk.....   I'm glad that I haven't had to suffer through that surgery yet.  One of my wisdom teeth has just finished coming in.  (I feel like I've been teething for about two weeks - strange!)  I hope they all behave.   Full band camp starts Monday.   I hope I can handle the long days.  


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