Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I've GOT to take out my trash... geez! The one horrible thing about having a really nifty pantry big enough to hold the kitchen trash can and about six extra trash bags full of stuff is that the "out of sight, out of mind" theory applies. I never think about taking the trash out - until it's taking over the kitchen. *sigh* I found out last night that a good friend of mine is having her labor induced tonight. Best of luck to Terrell and Christa! And, Happy Birthday to Baby Olivia! I have to shop for a wedding gift today. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding for a sorority sister of mine on Saturday... I have a tradition of making "Just Married" underwear for the sisters who get married. *hehe* They're really cute, actually... the words spelled out in rhinestones on the back of the undies. It just takes fabric glue, tweezers and a lot of patience. I guess I should get started! Out!


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