Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Isn't the DMV heaven on earth? (Can you sense the sarcasm just oozing from those words?) I had to have my driver's license changed today so that my new address would be on it. I didn't think that would take too long - WHOA - was I in for a surprise! It took me three hours to do that. No, you didn't read that wrong... THREE FREAKIN' HOURS! At least it's done... Then I came back home and started unpacking/putting things away again. I feel like it's never going to be done! Ahh, but one day there will be no more cardboard, and I'll know where everything is... Oh! How I long for such a day!! Tomorrow, I'm heading to Milly-ville to have lunch with Tim. I'm excited... feels like it's been forever since I saw him. He'll be done with camp and back with me on Thursday. *little internal YAY* I'm going shopping with Michelle on Thursday morning - that'll be fun. Well, It's 11pm... think I'm heading to bed. HOLLA! (Oh yeah - check out this website! http://www.smalltime.com/dictator.html)


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