Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, July 19, 2004

 Have you ever been surrounded by people, yet you feel totally lonely?  *sigh*  I'm not physically surround by people currently, but today I feel lonely.  The new place just isn't feeling like a home yet.  I feel like I'm at a hotel and I'll be packing up and heading back home soon.  But, then I don't really feel like the aforementioned "home" is a home anymore.  I visited my parents about a week ago, only to find that my childhood room is now my mom's study.  No more trophies and certificates on the wall... no more of my childhood furniture....  It's strange and I don't like it.  I mean, I know that I can always visit my parents, and that there will always be a place for me to stay at their house.  But, it's not home anymore.  Hence, there is not home and here is not home.  I am emotionally homeless.  
     And, as much as I always wanted my own place with no roommates, I miss my roomies!  I miss someone always being there for a girl talk or a movie marathon.  I miss the noises of someone else being in the house.  It's WAY too quiet here.  Quiet enough that I decided to go to Wal-Mart and buy a roommate.  Introducing Reba.... my fish.  (Now, I know that fish do not make noise, and she won't cure the quiet factor.... but hey - it's another living creature in the house.)  Now, I'm glad that Reba is here... but, I don't think she's the smartest fish ever.  I fed her this morning....  she ate her little "beta pellet," then spit it out.  It feel into the rocks on the bottom of the bowl and she has spent all day with her head in the rocks trying to get the food.  Soooo strange.  Maybe I'll call Tim and see what's he's up to.........   


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