Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, June 17, 2004

The "Canadian Brass" are God's gift to the Brass Quintet! For those of you that do not own a Canadian Brass album - GO! Go now to the store and purchase one! (I'll excuse you from reading the rest of this post!) There is something so exciting/relaxing/invigorating/serene in the sound of a good brass quintet. I really miss my days in the good 'ole Bobcat Brass. :o) Anyway - you'll all be glad to know that the trash from the previous post has migrated to next to the front door so that it'll go to the dumpster on my next trip to the parking lot. I've also spent a good portion of the morning washing dishes. I've done laundry... Gosh - just a modern-day housewife today, eh? (Minus the house part and the wife part... I guess that makes me an apartment-bachellorette, eh?) There's an exciting/slightly scary situation going on with two of my good friends- send a prayer their way.


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