Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, June 20, 2004

The wedding I was in this weekend was beautiful!! Many congratulations to Matt and Lisa Davis!! :o) I love being in weddings - it's fun! (Maybe that's just 'cause it gives me a good excuse to get all dressed up and act all girlie - yeah - that's it.) I'll try to post a pic from the wedding when I get them back from processing. Anyway - Had a fun time today at the Atlanta Braves game with Dad. (Happy Father's Day, Pops!) I'm staying at my parent's house until tomorrow evening, and I'm SOOOOOOO ready to get back to my own place. My Mom and I, as much as I love her, can't be together for more than a day or so without fighting. It's driving me crazy!!! I think it's because we're so much alike. I dunno. *putting on my armor and preparing for the rest of my stay*


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