Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Band camp started today.....   oh listen to my sarcastic yelps of joy.  It's hot in Georgia in July - REALLY FREAKIN' HOT!  Oh well, come November and the marching show is looking awesome it'll all be worth it.  That's what I keep telling myself anyway. 
     Tim is incredible.  Just thought that I'd share that with the world!!  I'm tired as crap from teaching camp all day and he comes to my house to cook me dinner.  (Big collective AWWWW!!!!)  He's just SO sweet and considerate.  How'd I land this one, I wonder?? 
     Props to my Nana for sending me a Wal-Mart gift card in the mail today!  That's always such an awesome surprise.  :o) 


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