Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, April 30, 2004

It's a movie day in the special ed. class today.... so, there's not much going on. I may have a lead on an apartment.... Mom did some calling around for me, and I think she found a place that has pretty good prices. Tim came to see me yesterday. There really wasn't time to do much, but it's always so good to look at him!! Tonight I'm riding to Milledgeville with Gincy for a school of education honors day thingy - that should be an adventure. I'm not doing much this weekend - Tim and I are going to see the Atlanta Pops Orchestra on Sunday. Nana won two tickets and gave them to me! :o) (Thanks, Nana!) I'm out - HOLLA!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Nothing terribly exciting happened today... I went to school, came home and did some cleaning and just finished dinner. (Thanks Mom for the yummy pork chops!) Tim's coming to visit tomorrow afternoon, and I'm really excited! I've never missed someone the way that I miss him. *sigh* I got a "Beginning Band Director's" packet in the mail today from a friend of mine that works at Bibb Music. Wow - that somehow affirmed it in my mind that I'm actually going to do this.... AHH! :o) I'm out.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Taking a moment during a movie in class to jot down a note..... Mom got her biopsy results back last night - ALL CLEAR! Everyone is very relieved.....

Monday, April 26, 2004

Spent a GREAT couple of days with Tim. *BIG HUGE GRIN* Alumni Jazz Band was great... It's fun being in the band with the good 'ole boys. The subbing in the special ed. class is actually going pretty well. I was really frightened of it at first, but it's not too bad. Those kids crack me up! I'm starving - off to find a snack.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Just got home from school..... whew.... Well, the school that I'm subbing for offered me a long-term (a.k.a. 'till the end of school) sub position in the special education class that I was working with. I took it.... It will certainly broaden my horizons and hopefully make me a better classroom teacher. Well - I'm leaving in the morning to head to Gray to work on finalizing some things with my teaching contract. I hope that all of that goes well. I've got to buy a baby shower gift for a friend of mine tonight... I'd better get shopping!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

It's a gorgeous day today! The sun is shining in on me through the window, there's not a cloud in the sky, and all Mom's flowers are blooming. Wow. God sure has created a fabulous place for us, eh? Well - speaking of my Mom and God... keep her in your prayers today. She had a bout with breast cancer when I was in high school, but through radiation therapy, they were able to push it into remission. Well, recently during a doctor's visit they discovered something that could possibly be the cancer coming back. She's at the doctor today having a biopsy done so that they can determine if it's cancer or not. She's been so brave through all of this. Please keep her in your prayers. While I'm waiting for her to get home, I'm going to do some house cleaning. That woman loves a clean house! I'm out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I subbed in a special education class today. It takes extraordinary people to teach those classes. Kudos to those teachers. (Except for the one that I was in for - because he just got arrested for assault. YIKES) I don't think I'm working tomorrow, which means chores. That's okay - I could use a little bit of extra cash. (Especially with Mother's Day coming up!) I'm still really psyched about Alumni Band stuff this weekend. It almost makes me want to go practice! (Notice the almost... hehe) I have decided recently that I'm really glad that I've graduated - that I'm not a part of all of the drama anymore. It's also crazy how I grew up a little without even noticing! I mean, I used to LOVE going to Phi Mu Alpha parties. I LOVED it! The partying, the dancing, being in everyone's business.... Now - that all just seems kinda boring to me. I would still love to hang out with those people, but not while they're drunk and stuff. Oh well - I guess this happens when ya get old, eh? ;o) I'm out- HOLLA!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Been a few days, eh? I'm sure you all were dying with anticipation - wondering what I'll say next - wondering what adventure I'm involved in now... heh - I'm suurrreee..... I played in a community band concert tonight. Hmmm - I wonder how many of you have ever sat next to a man playing trombone who believed that it was proper performance technique to play slide vibrato on EVERY SINGLE NOTE IN THE WHOLE FREAKIN' CONCERT?!? Wow... I mean, I was amazed by the fact that he didn't realize that it sounded nasty. Oh well - over with now. Chowin' on some hamburger helper now... yumm... I was starving! Let's see, what else... I visited Tim this weekend. I KNOW you're all super surprised. We had a great time... there was something different this weekend though. Different in a good way - but still different. I felt much closer to him - like this is someone that I want to be with for a REALLY long time. (yikes! I'm scaring myself!) Anyway - I'm working every day this week, so my paycheck should be happy. Alumni Weekend starts on Friday at good 'ole GCSU. I'm really looking forward to that. It should be a good time. I'm going to go finish dinner. I'm out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Doing more chores today... BLAH.... at least I have motivation this time. Tim's coming tomorrow, and I want the house to be spic-n-span! My old band director from high school called me yesterday afternoon. (That in of itself was pretty odd...) He asked me to judge the drum major auditions at the high school on Thursday. I was the very first drum-major at my high school, and he thought that it would be cool for the first drum-major to choose the new one. Hmm... I'm flattered! (And lookin' forward to it!) Back to my cleaning.... I'm out.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Been a few days... I got the job!!! YAY!!! AT MY 1st CHOICE SCHOOL!!! Time to start apartment hunting! I'm SO excited about that! :o) Gettin' out of mom's place.... only 20 min. away from Tim.... yeah.... That's all that's going on with that. hehe I played at church yesterday. (Happy late Easter to everyone) I have never been more embarassed of a performance in my life. There were four of us playing (two trumpets, me on trombone and this little 8th grade kid playing sax) Well, the retard sax player dropped his saxophone before the first service even started - something was broken and it wouldn't play. It just made horrible squeaking noises, and if it did play notes, they weren't what he fingered. Anyway- instead of being a smart little kid and just faking it, he played- and he played loudly - and he played loudly into the mic during all three services. It was HORRIBLE! The other three of us just kinda stared at him in disbelief, and he just kept on honkin'. Then, during second service, doofus went to sleep! I don't mean just dozed off, I mean that he kicked up his feet on the speaker, lounged back and went to sleep on stage. What was he thinking?!?!?!?!? I smacked him. I literally slapped him on stage and told him to wake up. And this is the age group that I want to work with?!? What am I getting myself into? Anyway - I basically sat on stage for three complete church services and prayed that Jesus forgive us for the horrible worship music. I was soooooooooooo embarrassed. Glad it's over. Then, when I got home, someone (I won't say your name, Dad) wasn't watching our stupid dog and he ate all my socks. I don't mean that he chewed on 'em... I mean he ingested large sections of them. UGH He ate like 7 pair of my favorite socks! The dog's gotta go. It's a new week - thank goodness. I'm doing chores today, don't know if I'm working tomorrow - I'm sub-ing for my old Anatomy teacher on Wed, sub-ing for my old Band Director on Friday - then heading to Relay-4-Life to play with the band that I'm in. I'm possibly going Saturday to hear Tim and the Jazz Band play again. (They did a fantastic job on their Spring Concerts. I was SO proud of my baby!!!) I'm out - HOLLA!

Thursday, April 08, 2004

On my way to Tim's.... yay :o) My interview is tomorrow... keep praying!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Just got in from orchestra rehearsal at church. I think the Easter program is finally coming together. That's good since there's only one rehearsal left! I'm going tomorrow to visit Tim. I'm spending thursday and friday there, and I'm selling tickets for his Jazz concerts at the college. The concert should be really good - A Tribute to the Rat Pack. Well, of course they're going to rock with my sweetie as the solo trumpet! :o) It's almost 11pm... and I'm tired... so it's time to hit the hay, Ray. Time to hit the sack, Jack. Time to hit the bed, Fred. G'night. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz........

I just got a call from the principal that I REALLY want to work for.... My meeting with the superintendent is on Friday. BUT - she told me that the school is recommending two different people and we're both meeting with the super at the same time.... I thought they could only send one to the super... Must get back in competitive mode... NEED JOB.... NEED MONEY TO PAY BILLS.... I hate everything being up in the air... I hate this feeling of helplessness - like I'm never going to get a job and I'm going to end up living with my parents until I'm 30.... Please - pray for me....... (By the way - I've noticed that this thing posts the time, and it's always like 3 hours earlier than what it is here... hehe Oh well...)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

The interview today went REALLY well!! I love that school, and the principals were fantastic. Well, I'm supposed to have an interview with the superintendent soon - the school picks who they want, the super interviews them and he actually does the hiring... so - I'm almost there, I think! WHOO HOO! (Keep your fingers crossed for me!)

I have a job interview today... WISH ME LUCK! :o)

Monday, April 05, 2004

It's SUCH a beautiful day! I just want to run around outside and frolic! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping... ahhh.. gorgeous! Well, Tim came to visit yesterday... we went out to dinner and then to play putt-putt golf. It was a blast! I don't usually have enough moola to take both of us out, but I did this time, and I was glad. He pays for me all the time, not that I'm complaining, I just feel bad 'cause I can't contribute that often... but I did... and I'm glad. Gincy called last night and told me she was out buying paint. We're going to have a redecorating party today! :o) I've been itchin' to paint something, so this sounds like fun! Just pass me a roller and call me Picasso!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

It's been a good day... I got up early and ran some errands, came home and did some cleaning and then I worked on my scrapbook a little. Nice and relaxing... Then, the 'rents and I went to Lowe's. I bought two itty-bitty little plants for my room. Then we had dinner at El Charro's, my favorite mexican resteraunt. I miss Tim. I usually see him on weekends, but he went home to visit his parents. (I GUESS that's okay... hehe) I think he's going to stop by and see me for a while tomorrow after the Palm Sunday service at church. Daylight savings time - don't forget to set your clock ahead one hour! I'm out - HOLLA!

Friday, April 02, 2004

I'm on my spring break... Hallelujah! :o)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I had my first job interview today. It was alright, I guess. I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I wasn't crying when I left... so, that's a good sign, right? I got a tour of the school, and the principal and I talked for a long time. Even if I don't get the job, I'm so glad that have that first interview under my belt. (And I had to go to the interview with the hem of my skirt taped up - the hem fell this morning after I had left home... geez!) Well - tonight I'm off to a Tuba recital... it's been a while since I heard good tuba playing, so I'm kind of excited. (And I'll get to see Tim while I'm there - added bonus!) I'm off - HOLLA!