Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, April 19, 2004

Been a few days, eh? I'm sure you all were dying with anticipation - wondering what I'll say next - wondering what adventure I'm involved in now... heh - I'm suurrreee..... I played in a community band concert tonight. Hmmm - I wonder how many of you have ever sat next to a man playing trombone who believed that it was proper performance technique to play slide vibrato on EVERY SINGLE NOTE IN THE WHOLE FREAKIN' CONCERT?!? Wow... I mean, I was amazed by the fact that he didn't realize that it sounded nasty. Oh well - over with now. Chowin' on some hamburger helper now... yumm... I was starving! Let's see, what else... I visited Tim this weekend. I KNOW you're all super surprised. We had a great time... there was something different this weekend though. Different in a good way - but still different. I felt much closer to him - like this is someone that I want to be with for a REALLY long time. (yikes! I'm scaring myself!) Anyway - I'm working every day this week, so my paycheck should be happy. Alumni Weekend starts on Friday at good 'ole GCSU. I'm really looking forward to that. It should be a good time. I'm going to go finish dinner. I'm out.


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