Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, April 12, 2004

Been a few days... I got the job!!! YAY!!! AT MY 1st CHOICE SCHOOL!!! Time to start apartment hunting! I'm SO excited about that! :o) Gettin' out of mom's place.... only 20 min. away from Tim.... yeah.... That's all that's going on with that. hehe I played at church yesterday. (Happy late Easter to everyone) I have never been more embarassed of a performance in my life. There were four of us playing (two trumpets, me on trombone and this little 8th grade kid playing sax) Well, the retard sax player dropped his saxophone before the first service even started - something was broken and it wouldn't play. It just made horrible squeaking noises, and if it did play notes, they weren't what he fingered. Anyway- instead of being a smart little kid and just faking it, he played- and he played loudly - and he played loudly into the mic during all three services. It was HORRIBLE! The other three of us just kinda stared at him in disbelief, and he just kept on honkin'. Then, during second service, doofus went to sleep! I don't mean just dozed off, I mean that he kicked up his feet on the speaker, lounged back and went to sleep on stage. What was he thinking?!?!?!?!? I smacked him. I literally slapped him on stage and told him to wake up. And this is the age group that I want to work with?!? What am I getting myself into? Anyway - I basically sat on stage for three complete church services and prayed that Jesus forgive us for the horrible worship music. I was soooooooooooo embarrassed. Glad it's over. Then, when I got home, someone (I won't say your name, Dad) wasn't watching our stupid dog and he ate all my socks. I don't mean that he chewed on 'em... I mean he ingested large sections of them. UGH He ate like 7 pair of my favorite socks! The dog's gotta go. It's a new week - thank goodness. I'm doing chores today, don't know if I'm working tomorrow - I'm sub-ing for my old Anatomy teacher on Wed, sub-ing for my old Band Director on Friday - then heading to Relay-4-Life to play with the band that I'm in. I'm possibly going Saturday to hear Tim and the Jazz Band play again. (They did a fantastic job on their Spring Concerts. I was SO proud of my baby!!!) I'm out - HOLLA!


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