Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, April 03, 2004

It's been a good day... I got up early and ran some errands, came home and did some cleaning and then I worked on my scrapbook a little. Nice and relaxing... Then, the 'rents and I went to Lowe's. I bought two itty-bitty little plants for my room. Then we had dinner at El Charro's, my favorite mexican resteraunt. I miss Tim. I usually see him on weekends, but he went home to visit his parents. (I GUESS that's okay... hehe) I think he's going to stop by and see me for a while tomorrow after the Palm Sunday service at church. Daylight savings time - don't forget to set your clock ahead one hour! I'm out - HOLLA!


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