Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well, today I taught 6th, 7th and 8th grade "Enrichment". It's kind of like remedial reading. Overall, the day wasn't too bad... Until about 10 minutes before the final bell rang - and two of the boys in the class decided to get into a fight. At least they were the 6th grade class, or I wouldn't have been able to break 'em up! Just as I was about to press the call button to call an administrator, one of them got called to the office for something else and then the bell rang and the other was gone... Geez! I couldn't do anything about it, except for leave a note for the regular teacher. Oh well. I can't decide if this was worse than the day that I was subbing kindergarten and the little boy threw up on me... Hmm - what kind of profession am I going into?!? When I got home today and checked my mailbox, I had letters from both school systems that I applied to. One was just a flier about a job fair that I already knew about and was already planning to attend. And, one was a really nice letter thanking me for putting my application on file. I've really got my fingers crossed for one of them - but hey! I would be REALLY thankful for either!! I dunno... I hate waiting. *crossing my fingers for the job I want*


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