Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, February 26, 2004

*Oh the weather outside is frightful... but, the fire is so delightful. And, since we've no place to go... LET IT SNOW...LET IT SNOW... LET IT SNOW!* Snow in Georgia! What is going on? :o) Don't get me wrong - I love it! I'm not complaining... It's just strange! There's not really enough on the ground to make a snowball, nevertheless, a snowman! But - I might try anyway. Ya never know when you might get another chance to do that in the deep south!
Well - enough about the weather.... Tim is coming into town to visit this weekend. I'm so excited! I miss him sooooo much while he's away at school. Ugh... long distance sucks! But- it makes the weekends that much better.... ;o)
I'm going to finish playing in my winter wonderland before it all melts away! *Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow!!*


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