Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, February 16, 2004

I realized this afternoon after reviewing my post from yesterday/REALLY early this morning that I jumped right into the middle of my life without giving you any kind of background on who I am. (I figure that might be important in order to understand ANYTHING that I'm talking about.) So - here's a run down. I'm 22 years old. I just graduated from Georgia College and State University with a Bach. Degree in Music Education. I want to be a middle school band director. (It's a dangerous profession, but someone's gotta do it!) Right now I'm working on becoming a substitute teacher. (Hmmm... also a very dangerous job. Maybe I'm a masochist. hehe) Let's see... what else... I'm dating a fabulous guy who lives an hour away. That hour drive is NO fun... but always well worth it.
I'm in a very interesting point in my life.... I'm really doing some self-evaluation. Ya know - trying to figure out who I am and what I really believe about things. I want to know if my values are really mine, or are something that I was force-fed all my life. I want to know myself.... From what I hear, this a futile desire, but it's my journey none the less. Hence- this online journal. If I see my life in writing maybe that will help me do some evaluating.
Alright, well... I think that catches us up. This morning I was awakened by my cell phone ringing in my ear. It was Tim, the boyfriend. :o) I love to wake up and his be the first voice I hear... in person or over the phone, it doesn't matter... It just puts a smile on my face.
I'm off to a day of household chores and grocery shopping. Just call me Cinderella.


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