Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, February 16, 2004

Hmmm... well, this is a new venture for me... Spreading my thoughts for all to see. It's kind of weird at first - but I think I'm going to like it. :o) I figure that this will be a good way for me to vent things that are bothering me, to share things that make me happy and generally get things off my chest. So - are you with me? I hope so. Buckle up - make sure that all hands are inside of the vehicle and let's blog!
Well, I just got back home from visiting a fantastic boyfriend for Valentine's Day. I used to HATE this holiday... I hated all the stupid obligatory flowers and chocolates. I hated the fact that someone I was dating felt like they HAD to give me sappy cards and gifts just because it was the middle of February. I would SO much rather get a bouquet of daisies on some random Thursday... just because it's Thursday and they were thinking about me. But - this Valentine's day was really nice. I didn't feel like he was doing special things for me because he had to. I really felt like he was doing this because he loved me and not because he had to. Wow... I love him... I REALLY love him!


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