Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Feeling MUCH better today... Thank goodness! I couldn't handle many more meals consisting of crackers and coca-cola. (To those of you who know my mother, you know that her cure for upset stomach is coca-cola... I was never aware that it had healing powers. *shrugs*) I'm going to back to the college today. The concert band there is doing a "Lord of the Rings" concert, which is apparantly VERY low brass heavy. They're kinda lacking on the numbers in the trombone section, so the director asked me to come back and play. It should be fun. I really miss ensemble playing... solo playing just doesn't do the same thing for me. So- that's the plan.... rehearsal for concert band Tuesday night and Wednesday night. Dance band practice on Wednesday night as well... Concert on Thursday night - fun times on Friday night. :o) Looking forward to the rest of the week. I'd better get packin'!


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