Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Wow... I just got home from teaching second grade and I was checking my e-mail. I had an e-mail from my second choice school to work at - the principal wanted to set up an interview. AHHHH..... Interviews with my first and second choice schools! WHOO HOO! Now I'm just absolutely TERRIFFIED of these interviews! Oh well - funny story - you ready?!? So, it's pouring down rain today, and super windy. Well, I was trying to get the mail out of the mailbox and right as I pulled it out, a huge gush of wind blew all of my mail down the highway that I live on. Now, I live on a pretty busy highway... So I just had to stand by and watch my mail get run over in the puddles while I waited for a chance to run out in the road and try to get it without getting run over. Hmph! Not fun... It's all laying on the kitchen table drying currently. What a day...


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