Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, April 05, 2004

It's SUCH a beautiful day! I just want to run around outside and frolic! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping... ahhh.. gorgeous! Well, Tim came to visit yesterday... we went out to dinner and then to play putt-putt golf. It was a blast! I don't usually have enough moola to take both of us out, but I did this time, and I was glad. He pays for me all the time, not that I'm complaining, I just feel bad 'cause I can't contribute that often... but I did... and I'm glad. Gincy called last night and told me she was out buying paint. We're going to have a redecorating party today! :o) I've been itchin' to paint something, so this sounds like fun! Just pass me a roller and call me Picasso!


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