Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I subbed in a special education class today. It takes extraordinary people to teach those classes. Kudos to those teachers. (Except for the one that I was in for - because he just got arrested for assault. YIKES) I don't think I'm working tomorrow, which means chores. That's okay - I could use a little bit of extra cash. (Especially with Mother's Day coming up!) I'm still really psyched about Alumni Band stuff this weekend. It almost makes me want to go practice! (Notice the almost... hehe) I have decided recently that I'm really glad that I've graduated - that I'm not a part of all of the drama anymore. It's also crazy how I grew up a little without even noticing! I mean, I used to LOVE going to Phi Mu Alpha parties. I LOVED it! The partying, the dancing, being in everyone's business.... Now - that all just seems kinda boring to me. I would still love to hang out with those people, but not while they're drunk and stuff. Oh well - I guess this happens when ya get old, eh? ;o) I'm out- HOLLA!


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