Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Father's Day

In the spirit of Father's Day, I thought I'd share some of my favorite memories of my Dad.

I remember going to the movie theater and sitting on Dad's lap to watch the Sesame Street movie, "Follow that Bird." (The movie came out in 1985 - and it's still great! I actually have it on DVD...)

I remember my dad playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" for me millions of times on guitar - trying to sing.

I remember Dad making my brother and I breakfast EVERY morning in elementary school. And - he always did something silly, like running around the kitchen holding waffles over his eyes. :o) (And - he never used enough chocolate in the milk, did he, Britt?)

I remember that when I got my first car, I put a strawberry air freshener in there. The first time that he rode with me, he told me that my car smelled like a brothel. (I still don't know how he knows that! )

I remember that when I was Drum-Major in high school, and he was the parent "equipment guy", he wouldn't let anyone else set up my podium for me - he always did.

And, I remember that this year, when I called to ask Mom what he wanted for Father's Day she told me that my Nascar-watchin', deer huntin', woodworking Dad wanted a Snow Cone Machine. (What the?!? *shrugs* Okay.....)

So - Sunday after church, my family will be having cherry snow-cones. Want one?

Happy Father's Day, Pops!


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