Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, August 29, 2005

alrighty then...

Today was an okay day... nothing terribly exciting happened. I taught a few 6th graders how to put their instruments together... They always get an adorable grin on their faces the first time that they hold their instrument correctly. Then, I came home and went to Wal-Mart. Why is it that I can never stick to my shopping list in that store?!? Bad news for the checkbook! Oh well. I did find Apple Fanta, though. One of the girls on the colorgaurd at JC suggested that I give it a try. I hope it's good. Well - since this is officially the lamest post in the history of weblogging, I'll run on to cook dinner. Have a great evening! Holla!
oikfdg03607444444 (from Tango... the crazy cow cat)


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