Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, August 01, 2005

Senior Year Quiz

These questions apply to your senior year in high school. After you're done reading your friend's answers, erase them, fill in your own, and re-post. (Stole this from Michelle... thanks!)

During senior year:

1. What School did u attend? Eastside High School

2. What year did you graduate? 1999

3. What were your favorite band(s) or artist(s)? I remember being on a country kick - I really liked Garth Brooks.

4. What was your favorite outfit? I lived in jeans! (Still would if I didn't have to dress up for work!)

5. What was up with your hair? Nothin' much... straight and blonde

6. Who were your best friend(s)? Alison, Bethany, Ayana

7. What did you do after school? Marching Band practice, club meetings, hanging out with friends

8. Where did you work? I was the cheese girl at the local Papa John's

9. Did you take the bus? Nope, I drove "Big Blue the Super Nova" (an '88 Chevy Nova)

10. Who did you have a crush on? The guy I was dating

11. Did you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and who? Senior year... that was Luke Crum

12. Did you fight with your parents? More than I would like to admit

13. Did you ever get detention? Only once - because I had to go to the bathroom during Mrs. Dozier's trig class and I had to serve 5 min. of lunch detention

14. Favorite Subject? Astronomy and Band

16. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? I don't really remember

17. Did you smoke cigarettes? Nope... never

18. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day? I did... I was a nerd...

19. Best event ever? EVER? That's a hard question! Can't think of just one

20. Did you have a clique? I guess the band people were a clique....

21. Where was your Senior Prom at? The Classic Center in Athens

22. Did you have a "Max" (hangout) like Zach, Kelly and Slater? Um, Alison and I always hung out at Wendy's *L* I guess that counts.

23. Admit it, were you popular? I was popular within my group... I was kinda middle ground...

24. Who did you want to be just like? Me! ;o)

25. What did you want to be when you grew up? A Teacher

26. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? I always thought I'd teach elementary school. Who knew that the middle schoolers would win my heart!

27. What was the color of your yearbook? It was black my sr. year

28. What were the colors of your school? Hunter Green and Silver

29. What was your school mascot? Eagles


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