Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I-75 and thousands of Floridians

I just got home from visiting Tim for the weekend. His birthday was Friday, so I went down for the family birthday party. It was really a nice time. I gave his little sister advice on her homecoming dress, helped his grandmother do a few dishes and talked gardening for a touch with his dad. I'm beginning to feel much more comfortable there, and I hope that his family feels just as comfortable with me around. The drive, however, was horrible! Well... maybe not horrible, but there were TONS of people heading back to Florida. (They had to evacuate because of hurricane Katrina.) Busy, busy, busy interstate!
I was just surfing around on the 'net Friday night after the game, looking for a web journal of a trumpet playing friend of mine from high school, and came across the journal of one of the high school students that I work with. It's a small internet/world out there!
Last week at school was a tad unpleasant... (lots of behavior/attitude issues that aren't really worth elaborating on...) Here's to hoping that this week is more bearable. *I will face the week with an optimistic attitude and a smile on my face... I will face the week with an optimistic attitude and a smile on my face....*


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