Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, August 26, 2005

a spanking

Well... the good 'ol JC football team got SPANKED tonight! I don't know that I've ever personally witnessed such a loss in a high school football game. 69-0.... towards the end, we were all kind of hoping that the other team would hit 100 just for the novelty of it all. *sigh* At least the band did well. :o) I'm always so proud!
The beginning of the game was an adventure for me. During the pregrame show, the band forms a tunnel that the football players run through. The band plays the 2001 fanfare while the director usually holds the team back until the fightsong begins. Well, tonight, he had to go set up the video camera so I was recruited to hold back the football team. Let me tell you.... high school boys are freakin' huge to begin with. Then, add all those football pads and those boys were huge!!!!! They were jumping and grunting and doing generally scary sounding things to pump themselves up for the game. My job was really scary! They wanted to run during the 2001 fanfare really bad, and I had to physically put my hands on these humungo boys to hold them back. They could have killed me! It was quite intimidating! That was a lot of testosterone in one place!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM!!!!! I was so sad that I couldn't be with Tim on his birthday due to my band obligations. But, I'm going to see him tomorrow. It's been WAY too long since we've been able to see each other. I hate this long distance thing. I HATE IT. Maybe not too much longer.....


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