Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

some days it sucks.......

I had my first truly discouraging day of the school year today.... Everything was going well until the assistant principal walked into my room with all of his bad news. I had 5 band students quit today. I keep reminding myself that this happened when I was in band too. When the class hits 7th grade, about half of the students decide that they are "too cool" for a class like band. I can't help but take it personally. What could I have done differently to make them like the class more? *sigh* Oh well. It happens. Also - I discovered that 6th grade recruiting isn't going as well as I'd planned. I'm almost 40 students short of my goal!! That's crazy! Usually, 6th graders are lined up to be in band. It's something new, something fun. But - not this year! Unless I can recruit 40 new students tomorrow night during 6th grade parents' night, I'll have to teach a 6th grade general music class (which I have NO materials for!) I'm tired....I'm discouraged... How many more days until the weekend????


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