Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, July 08, 2005

Home, sweet ho.... WHAT THE HECK?!?

Trouble and More Trouble (better known as Tango and Samba destructive kitties from you know where) are tearing up everything! They're so hyperactive... I know they're just playing, but they knock everything over - and they don't clean up after themselves! ;o) *I will survive the kitten phase...I will survive the kitten phase....* It's always a challenge walking in the front door. I never know what to expect!

Anyway - I went to Six Flags Amusement Park yesterday with Tim and his brother, Mikee and his sister, Catie. We had a BLAST! Tim and I rode the "Mindbender", my all-time favorite roller coaster, 6 times! It had rained early in the day, so that kept the bulk of the crowd away. It was overcast and breezy... a perfect Six Flags day!

*ugh* My head is aching! Where's the advil?


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