Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Poor Reba!

I think my fish is dying.... It's so sad! I've had Reba since I moved in to this apartment. (Which was a little over a year ago - Is that a long time for a fish to live?) She's a beautiful red Betta. But, lately she's been kind of swimming on her side - very strange. I think she's dying and I'm really sad about that!

The kittens are driving me nutty! They're just being adventurous and playful, but they're just tearing up all kinds of stuff! *whew* I need to kitten-proof this place!

My mom gave me a sewing machine a few weeks ago. She'd purchased it with the ambition of learning to sew about 15 years ago (seriously - 15 years)... but never even opened the box. *L* So, she gave it to me. It took me forever to figure out how to wind the bobbin and thread the needles and stuff using just the horrible pictures in the user's manual, but I did it! And, I made a lop-sided, but full of character pillow. I'm proud!

It's only 50 days until my 24th birthday. (I realize it's a bit early to start a countdown, but dang-it... I'm enthused.)

Only 1 more day of painful computer class left.

Thanks for enduring my randomness.... You have a nice night now, ya hear?!?


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I adore kittens, even when they are being horrible.

Sewing is awesome. Good for you!!!!!


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