Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, June 06, 2005

My Yankee

****DISCLAIMER**** There is the extreme possiblilty of a little mushiness ahead. So- if you don't want to hear it, you might want to skip this one. ****END DISCLAIMER****

Tim is in Long Island visiting his family. (He's from NY, for those of you that didn't know... and even though he's lived here for a while, he still has a touch of that adorable northern edge to his voice.) Anyway - I really miss him! I mean, he stayed with me during May because he was taking a Maymester class, and my apartment was closest to the campus. Well - I got really used to him being around. I loved him being next to me while I fell asleep, and I loved seeing him when I woke up. And now... AND NOW... He's moved back to his parents' house and then flew all the way to NY! What was he thinking?!? ;o) You know - I don't think I'd mind him being around permanently... The house is WAY too quiet without him around. We're always goofing around and laughing. At least Tango and Samba are around to act crazy and make me laugh. (Speaking of the kitties - I've still got about 12 pictures left on the roll of film, then I'll have pictures of them to post.) Well - that's enough ramblin' for now. Have a great night!


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