Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, May 27, 2005

heavy thoughts....

Something has been weighing on my mind lately. About two years ago, I did something horrible to a friend. I did something that completely betrayed that friend's trust. I have apologized to all involved... I have spent countless nights crying and praying for God to forgive me. However, I can't forgive myself. My mind is still filled with guilt. It shows up when I least expect it, and I feel horrible. I know that this is my consequence for my actions. I know that I have absolutely no right to complain, because I brought this on myself. I just wish that I could move on. *heavy sigh* On a MUCH lighter note - Tim and I are going to pick up my kittens tomorrow. I need some lighthearted frolicking!


At 10:38 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Lori, I don't have any awesome advice to make you feel better, but I know EXACTLY what you're saying. I've been there.

Guilt is a horrible thing and you only need to know this: Once you have apologized to all parties, made the situation right again, and asked for forgiveness from affected persons and God, that's it. You just HAVE to live your life and when those feelings overwhelm you, remember that YOU ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON now as you were back then.

Guilt feelings are not from God. You ask and he forgives. And you never have to ask again.

****hugs**** Sorry for the long comment. I just know what you're going through.


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