Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, June 24, 2005

Magnetic Poetry

I love magnetic poetry - words on magnets that I have on my refridgerator. I have the "College" and "Christian" sets - which makes for some interesting word combos. I was reading the fridge doors a few minutes ago, and laughed out loud at the magnetic randomness that friends and family have left behind. Thought I'd share a few....

- Learn humble jock dance

-I did a major angel, alleluia

-after this everything will almost understand about big fish like thy voice is
almost radiant

-strength or coffee at that majestic moment will help around school, sister

-talk hottie to my body

There were even two of what we've coined "Magnetic Epic Poems"

-drunk woman has borrowed everlasting tequila
know sacred vacation
rejoice through a whisper
horrible beauty must never forgive
brother boy needs no belief
life lesson life almighty
persecute blood see healing
smell money's evil song
never hurt world
deliver earth and then.... nap

-who believed in us
must go give our brain pwer to that of a
son of a preacher man
then inspire men and temptation
over religion, peace, salvation
so give gentle joy as they lead him about
beer soul and promise
heavy scripture

*L* Gotta love randomness like that....

~#~# Topic Change #~#~

Band Camp starts on sunday. I feel like my materials are almost prepared. At least I hope so! I've been composing/arranging for a week now! However, I was making out my "things to pack" list and realized that I didn't have ANY twin sized sheets here. (And of course that's what I'll need for the dorms....) So, I've got to drive all the way to my parent's house and back tonight to get sheets... *sigh* over two hours of driving for some sheets. I should really just go buy some - but Mom wants me to visit. Alright - bye!


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Topi said...

well, isn't this nice... you know, i have three entire blogs dedicated to my magnetic poetry, i made my word set myself and it's enormous! it´s in spanish, but well... visit me and if you're interested, i can send you some magnetic poetry in english that i have.


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