Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, June 25, 2005

bad dreams

I just had a REALLY strange dream, that ended in a most unexpected way. I dreamed that I was guarding some kind of prisoner that was trapped in a school building. The other guards were goofing off and basically not doing their job at all. Well, the other guards distracted me and the prisoner got out and shot me! I mean, in my dream I heard a loud bang, everything went blank and I woke up. It really freaked me out! Ya know? I woke up with a very strange jittery feeling, and I don't like it!

I've got to pack for camp today. UGH. I really, really dislike packing, but camp should be fun. Camp starts tomorrow and is over on Thursday. I have to do my laundry at camp, re-pack and drive straight to my parents' house after camp, get back into a car and ride to Kentucky for family vacation. That's going to be a heck of a lot of packing and riding. But, honestly, this is probably the last time that our family will get to go on a vacation just the four of us. So - if I don't post for two weeks - that's what's going on... I'm not dead or anything... I hope to have great pictures from camp and vacation to post when I get back.


At 8:46 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Have a wonderful time!


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