Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, December 26, 2005

What if...

1. What if you choked on a piece of bread while eating? Cough, darn it! .

2. What if someone you don't know IMed you? I would say hello and get to know them

3. What if you forgot to set your alarm clock and was late to school? I would have to call the office to let them know I was going to be late so that someone could watch my classes for me

4. What if the person you love hated you? How awful.... well, not much you can do except for deal with it and move on, eh?

5. What if you had a big test on Monday but is busy on the weekends? Thank goodness I'm past the "big test on Monday" phase of my life!

6. What if your computer crashed when you were almost done writing a big essay (and hadn't save it)? I would cry! Don't pretend that you wouldn't!

7. What if you had to go to the bathroom but someone was in it? Umm - find another

8. What if you woke up and was covered in frogs? Ick! I'd get up and run!

9. What if your two closest friends started avoiding each other? That would be so sad! Well, I guess we'd have to alternate days, huh?

10. What if you accidentally sent a message to a person who wasn't supposed to read it? Oops! Call and apologize.

11. What if you were on the phone and your friend had something crucial to say, but at that moment the phone went dead? I'd grab a land-line phone!

12. What if you had a time machine and could travel to any time period? What year would you go to? Hmm... either the 20's or the late 50's

13. (continuing from above) You went to a time period but what if the time machine crashes and your stuck there? Well, I guess I'd better get used to not having e-mail!

14. What if you had to do a CPR to a member of the same gender? Who cares! When someone needs CPR, gender does NOT matter!

15. What if you lost something really important to you? Just keep looking...

16. What if your best friend starts to drift away to another group? Well, obviously that means that their interests are changing.... If you love something, let it go

17. What if you were sick on the day your class got to go on a field trip? Aww- that sucks, and has SO happened to me! What are ya going to do?

18. What if you were sucked into the computer? Yikes... that's a little bitty space for me to fit!

19. What if you had 1000 songs in your music player and suddenly they all got erased? I guess I would get to work and download some more!

20. What if the shower broke down and the plumber couldn't come for a week? I would borrow Mom's or a neighbor's

21. What if your legs got cut off? I would become a spokesman for prosthetics!

22. What if you found out that your gf/bf was cheating on you? We'd have a LONG, not so nice kind of talk....

23. What if your friend beat you in the 50 meter run by 0.01 sec.? Congratulate them, then get back to practicing!

24. What if you could change your name? I think I'm pretty okay with my name

25. What if your favorite T.V. show got canceled? Buy the entire series on DVD boxed sets... that's what I did with "Friends"


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