Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I did it.... finally... I've lived in Macon almost two years now, and I finally found the post-office. *L* I've just been buying stamps at the Kroger customer service desk, and darn it - I was tired of stamps with flags! I wanted something different!

So.... I got brave.... I ventured into downtown Macon. I usually spend my time there lost, trying to find my way home. (All those streets look the same to me!) And, I found it! I conquered the College Street Post office! And I have pretty stamps! I mailed my Christmas cards....

Today has been a success! ;o)


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Brittany said...

::gasp!:: I love downtown Macon! All of the really old historic buildings fascinate me - they're so gothic and...un...middle Georgia.

/end useless comment


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