Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I broke down and bought "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" today.... Lovin' it! :o)

Prayers go out to those that are hurting....

How many days 'till Friday?!?

I long for the simplicity that was my life in middle/high school (and I didn't even know it!)

Missing Tim.... bad.....

I've had the theme from Spiderman stuck in my head for two days! (Spiderman...Spiderman... does whatever a spider can.... spins a web.... any size... catches thieves... just like flies... Look out! There goes the spiderman...)

My favorite color changes almost daily.... I really want an orange purse....

Sorry for the randomness- it's the way my brain is working tonight.... love you all.... peace out... holla!


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