Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"I never hated a man enough to give the diamonds back." Zsa Zsa Gabor

I realize that the from the subject of the post it sounds as if I am having "boy troubles." Let me assure you, I am not... I merely find the quote hilarious!

Let me give you a run down of the week so far:

MONDAY: I got out of the car to walk into the school building, but was quickly asked by a principal to walk a group of children to the field behind the school. I didn't know why, but I always follow directions, so we walked. The students were confused, I was confused.... It was confusing overall. I was finally able to find out that someone had called in a bomb threat to my school. I could ALMOST sympathize with the person who considered taking out 600 middle schoolers. (Work a day in my shoes, and you'd understand too!) But, we sat in a field from 7:30am until almost 11am. It was 95 degrees outside. (Georgia is still freakin' hot in September!) It was a hoax - and the day was wasted.

TUESDAY: Yearbook Picture day... yikes, need I say more?

WEDNESDAY: Early release day - The students were bussed out at 1:15 so that teachers could have inservice meetings. What was our administrations assignment for the "Connections" team? "Oh, I don't know... Just meet and talk about something." *ugh*

That brings us to now... I'm tired, but glad to be relaxing for a little while before I cook dinner. (Cheesy Quesidilla Hamburger Helper if anyone is interested in sharing!) :smooch:


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