Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Gooooooo Dawgs! Sic 'Em!

Tim, James, Sarah Beth and I went to the UGA v. University of LA Monroe game yesterday. It was sooooo much fun! I haven't been to a Georgia game in a few years, and you forget how cool it is to walk into a stadium and see nothing but red, black and white. I had a blast!
The game was pretty much a UGA blowout (44-7, I think.) The band sounded great - I've always loved the Redcoats. When I was younger (Middle/High school), I just KNEW that I'd go to UGA and march... I KNEW it. Then, when it came time to actually choose a school, I choose UGA's polar opposite, GC&SU. 24,000 less students, no football team... Sometimes I feel like I missed out on those experiences. However, I remind myself frequently that if I had attended UGA, I would have never had the opportunities that I had at a much smaller school. I actually had quite a few classes that were just me and the professor. How often does that happen at a school with 30,000+ students? I was able to participate in Concert band, jazz band, pep band, brass quintet, brass ensemble, percussion ensemble... would I have been able to gain those experiences had I been in competition with 50 other trombone players, and not 5 others? Who knows... I made the right choice for me choosing Georgia College and State University, but deep down, I still think I'm UGA gal.... Go Dawgs!


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