Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, June 25, 2005

bad dreams

I just had a REALLY strange dream, that ended in a most unexpected way. I dreamed that I was guarding some kind of prisoner that was trapped in a school building. The other guards were goofing off and basically not doing their job at all. Well, the other guards distracted me and the prisoner got out and shot me! I mean, in my dream I heard a loud bang, everything went blank and I woke up. It really freaked me out! Ya know? I woke up with a very strange jittery feeling, and I don't like it!

I've got to pack for camp today. UGH. I really, really dislike packing, but camp should be fun. Camp starts tomorrow and is over on Thursday. I have to do my laundry at camp, re-pack and drive straight to my parents' house after camp, get back into a car and ride to Kentucky for family vacation. That's going to be a heck of a lot of packing and riding. But, honestly, this is probably the last time that our family will get to go on a vacation just the four of us. So - if I don't post for two weeks - that's what's going on... I'm not dead or anything... I hope to have great pictures from camp and vacation to post when I get back.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Magnetic Poetry

I love magnetic poetry - words on magnets that I have on my refridgerator. I have the "College" and "Christian" sets - which makes for some interesting word combos. I was reading the fridge doors a few minutes ago, and laughed out loud at the magnetic randomness that friends and family have left behind. Thought I'd share a few....

- Learn humble jock dance

-I did a major angel, alleluia

-after this everything will almost understand about big fish like thy voice is
almost radiant

-strength or coffee at that majestic moment will help around school, sister

-talk hottie to my body

There were even two of what we've coined "Magnetic Epic Poems"

-drunk woman has borrowed everlasting tequila
know sacred vacation
rejoice through a whisper
horrible beauty must never forgive
brother boy needs no belief
life lesson life almighty
persecute blood see healing
smell money's evil song
never hurt world
deliver earth and then.... nap

-who believed in us
must go give our brain pwer to that of a
son of a preacher man
then inspire men and temptation
over religion, peace, salvation
so give gentle joy as they lead him about
beer soul and promise
heavy scripture

*L* Gotta love randomness like that....

~#~# Topic Change #~#~

Band Camp starts on sunday. I feel like my materials are almost prepared. At least I hope so! I've been composing/arranging for a week now! However, I was making out my "things to pack" list and realized that I didn't have ANY twin sized sheets here. (And of course that's what I'll need for the dorms....) So, I've got to drive all the way to my parent's house and back tonight to get sheets... *sigh* over two hours of driving for some sheets. I should really just go buy some - but Mom wants me to visit. Alright - bye!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Blue Collar TV

Last night Tim and I had a BLAST!! We went to a filming of "Blue Collar TV" last night in Atlanta. It was HILARIOUS - and I got to see Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy AND Ron White all in one night. It was awesome! (Yay for Courtney and Gator for telling us about it!)

I've spent the last few hours preparing for the band camp that I'm teaching next week. I'm in charge of all of the brass players, so I needed tons of brass ensemble music. Did I have any? No! So - I've been writing and arranging for the last while, and I think I've finally got some good music for us to work on. I'll let you know how it all works....

Gotta go - "The Real Gilligan's Island" is on!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Fishy Funeral

Reba died.... :o( I always get so attached to pets, so this is really hard. Sad times.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Old times....

I've had some very nostalgic moods lately.... I was flipping through some old photo albums today and I thought that I'd scan in some old pictures. Enjoy.

Brandon, Jason, Amanda, Bethany, Misty, Me and the odd Subway guy (Band trip in Athens)

My 10th grade chemistry class.... That was a fun group

Poor Reba!

I think my fish is dying.... It's so sad! I've had Reba since I moved in to this apartment. (Which was a little over a year ago - Is that a long time for a fish to live?) She's a beautiful red Betta. But, lately she's been kind of swimming on her side - very strange. I think she's dying and I'm really sad about that!

The kittens are driving me nutty! They're just being adventurous and playful, but they're just tearing up all kinds of stuff! *whew* I need to kitten-proof this place!

My mom gave me a sewing machine a few weeks ago. She'd purchased it with the ambition of learning to sew about 15 years ago (seriously - 15 years)... but never even opened the box. *L* So, she gave it to me. It took me forever to figure out how to wind the bobbin and thread the needles and stuff using just the horrible pictures in the user's manual, but I did it! And, I made a lop-sided, but full of character pillow. I'm proud!

It's only 50 days until my 24th birthday. (I realize it's a bit early to start a countdown, but dang-it... I'm enthused.)

Only 1 more day of painful computer class left.

Thanks for enduring my randomness.... You have a nice night now, ya hear?!?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"Is this your first time? Good! Mine too!"

Tim took me to Little Tokyo last night, a new Japanese steak house in Milledgeville. I'd never been to one before, and I had a great time!! (And some fantastic shrimp!) Right now, I'm in the middle of an Integrating Technology class that's required for me to renew my teaching certification. I spent all day on Monday learning how to send e-mail. (Wow... I'm sure glad they taught me that! I might have never figured it out!) All sarcasm aside, I'm picking up a few little tips, but I know how to do the majority of things that we're being taught.... *sigh* Only two more days.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It's been raining for 12 days! No joke! I think it has rained (at least for 5 or 10 minutes) every day since June 1st.... I'm ready for the sun to come back! Tim and I were in downtown Macon today - just driving around, exploring, and the sky dropped out. It POURED! It was scary to drive because the streets had almost an inch of water standing on them... the poor storm drains just couldn't handle all the rain. *Rain, Rain Go Away! Come again some other day!*

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Your airline sucks at the checking of the bags!

Oh, I love the movie "Meet the Parents" as well as "Meet the Fockers...." (reference to the subject line...) Regardless, Tim just called me from LaGaurdia Airport in NY. He's finally on his way home! Yay! *little dance* I'm thrilled if you couldn't tell. Well - I'm back to cleaning up my closet trip through memory lane. Bye!

Jack Johnson - Better Together (LOVE IT!)
(from the "In Between Dreams" album)

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? and where do we go?
And how come we're so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing its always better when we're together

MMM its always better when we're together
Look at the stars when we're together
Its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

And all of these moments
Just might find there way into my dreams tonight
But I know that theyll be gone
When the morning light sings
And brings new things
But tomorrow night you see
That theyll be gone too
Too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find there way
Into my day to day scene
Ill be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree

Its always better when we're together
Somewhere in between together
Its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is no time,
And there is no song I could sing
And there is no, combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Whoa what a flashback!!

I have spent this evening (as well as a good portion of the afternoon) back at my parents' house cleaning out my old closet. I've been officially "moved out"/"on my own" for about a year now (not counting college apartments, etc.) My old bedroom has gradually turned itself into a study/computer room. My mom has really been good about the HUGE piles of stuff that were still taking up the closet. Well - her patience ran out. She very strongly suggested that unless I'd like her to simply rake everything into a trash bag that I come home and clean it myself. That's where I find myself now - *scanning the room and the piles of my middle and high school history.* I am a recovering pack-rat. (First step is admitting that you have a problem, right?) I kept everything! I have shoe boxes full of old notes written about crushes and hard Astronomy tests.... I have old essays written in AP english.... It's been quite a "flash back" kind of day. I can't bring myself to just throw something away without giving it one last hoorah. So- I've been reading all about my high school loves through the written voices of my closest high school friends. (Only a few of which I'm still in contact with... People I wish I was in better contact with: Alison Hudson, Ayana Shepherd, Bethany Creel, Jason Hart, Luke Crum - I miss you!) Wow. I even found my senior year time capsule. It's awesome - a huge tin that I spent a year filling with memories - and I've spent the whole evening convincing myself that I've made it since 1999 without opening it... I can wait the four more years 'till the 10 year reunion! It's really sad seeing some of these things go.... It's just depressing seeing that part of my life filling up a trash bag. Oh well - part of the "pack rat healing process," eh? Besides- I have no where to put any of it at my new apartment - so, I don't have a choice. Oh well.... for now, I'm back to thinking about proms and football games.... random nights taking pictures in shoe stores and "stalking" the guys that we had crushes on.... the inside jokes... the memories... *sigh* Thanks for the memories.

Monday, June 06, 2005

My Yankee

****DISCLAIMER**** There is the extreme possiblilty of a little mushiness ahead. So- if you don't want to hear it, you might want to skip this one. ****END DISCLAIMER****

Tim is in Long Island visiting his family. (He's from NY, for those of you that didn't know... and even though he's lived here for a while, he still has a touch of that adorable northern edge to his voice.) Anyway - I really miss him! I mean, he stayed with me during May because he was taking a Maymester class, and my apartment was closest to the campus. Well - I got really used to him being around. I loved him being next to me while I fell asleep, and I loved seeing him when I woke up. And now... AND NOW... He's moved back to his parents' house and then flew all the way to NY! What was he thinking?!? ;o) You know - I don't think I'd mind him being around permanently... The house is WAY too quiet without him around. We're always goofing around and laughing. At least Tango and Samba are around to act crazy and make me laugh. (Speaking of the kitties - I've still got about 12 pictures left on the roll of film, then I'll have pictures of them to post.) Well - that's enough ramblin' for now. Have a great night!

weddings, anniversaries, birthdays

Yesterday was Courtney and Gator's wedding. (Gator - also known as John) It was beautiful - in a garden behind Magnolia Hall in Social Circle, GA. She used a light blush pink as her bridesmaid color. Now, they're on the way to Mexico. Yay for Courtney and Gator!!!

Happy Anniversary to Gincy and Kevin!!!

Happy Birthday to David McGowan!!

Friday, June 03, 2005

now THAT'S a haircut!

I went this afternoon and FINALLY got my hair cut! She cut off almost 11''... so, it's quite a bit shorter, but I LOVE it! I'm so glad that it's done. Yay for haircuts!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Yay for Tim and Yay for graduation!! GC&SU class of 2005

Tim and I on the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail in Macon. If you can get past the fishy-river smell, it's really quite nice!

An old friend from high school took this photograph and posted it on his site. I think it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!