Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Nothing is Ours, Except Time

Been a strange day or two.... odd feelings - don't know how to explain them. *sigh* Saw two old friends today - good to catch up. Going to Tim's tomorrow for a New Year's celebration - should be good times. Happy New Year's Eve Eve.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hi Lori! I just did the ol technorati.com thing and you came up with linking to me! Thanks! I figured someone besides my sister and my friend Kerri were reading my blog because I was getting too many hits for just those two.

WELCOME!!! And I'll link to you right now. Congrats on the new car, we just got a new one in November. The heater works! YES!!! Also, you're a SAINT for working with Middle Schoolers. You've probably read some of the adventures of our niece Mindy, 14, who lives with us. Yippeeeee.

Happy New Year, Friend!


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