Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Pop Rocks and Pepsi

I'm watching the greatist show in the history of television... "MythBusters" on the Discovery Channel. I just watched them blow up a pig stomach using only pop rocks and like 12 cans of Pepsi... (I know - sounds disgusting, but it was pretty interesting!) So - how did everyone do "loot-wise" from Santa? ;o) I did pretty well... (Thanks Santa!) A new computer monitor is my favorite gift. My old monitor is possessed! It randomly changed brightness settings on its own and turned on and off at its own will... strange! I hope the new one behaves itself! Anyway - back to MythBusters - they're about to test the myth that a stream of urine can freeze if you "go" outside in the snow... Wow - too much free time is an amazing thing! Happy New Year's Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve!


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