Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, December 06, 2004

I would never strike a child, but today I had the urge

That little seventh grade jackass.... It's amazing how one comment can cut so deep. After an extremely stressful class with the seventh graders today, it was FINALLY time to dismiss. One of the trumpet players, on his way out the door, turned back - looked at me and said "The old director was so much better than you." That was the straw that broke the back... All year I've heard "Why are you doing that? Mr. J always did it this way... BLAH BLAH FREAKIN' BLAH" I just shut the door in his face, walked calmly into my office and cried.... and cried... and cried... What the hell am I doing? Why am I even trying to help these kids? And the stupid Winter Concert is Thursday. I'm nervous - no, I'm more than nervous. I'm freakin' terrified! I'm terrified that the students aren't going to concentrate. I'm nervous that I'm not going to concentrate. I'm scared that the parents are going to spend the entire evening comparing the progress that I've made this year with the progress of the old director. I just want it to be over. How many days until Christmas break? Nine... only nine days. I can make it - I have to.


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