Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Is that REAL shrimp at Captain D's?

Tim's Jazz concert was last night. I'm always so proud of how hard he works and how hard he performs! I was officially dubbed a "Jazz Band Widow" by the band director. (At GCSU the Jazz Band typically takes up tons of the guys' time. I never really worried about it, being of the few female members of the group. However, now I understand the term!) I also got to spend time with a friend that I haven't seen in several months. Joy, it was great catching up! Let's not wait so long next time!
I have a gig out at the country club tonight. Let me tell you, there's almost nothing as amusing as watching drunk people TRY to dance while you play. Wow....


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