Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Charley, Frances and now Ivan - all unwelcome visitors to my new hometown. Gotta love hurricanes, eh? I hope that Ivan doesn't turn out to be as bad as Frances. I went without power for quite a while during that one. My prayers go out to those in Florida and the Gulf Coast that are feeling the brunt of the hurricanes. Bad weather freaks me out. I'm pretty brave when it comes to most things, but weather is not one of them. Tornado sirens went off earlier - that didn't help my nervous state of mind at all. It looks like things might be calming down a little bit now. (At least they're calm enough that I felt okay checking my e-mail and stuff quickly.) I think I might go ahead and pull out the flashlight and stuff just in case. Stay inside!!


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