Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, August 08, 2004

My weekend is almost over.... am I allowed to pout? I think so. I'm playing in the orchestra for a community theatre version of "The Music Man" this summer. I have rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Opening Night is Thursday. It'll run through Sunday. It's fun - and it occupies me while Tim is out of town. He's in NY visiting family. *little prayer that he stays safe and has fun* Gincy, a good friend of mine and past roommate, came into town on Friday night to visit me for my birthday. It was a great visit. We always giggle so much when we're together. Thanks Gincy!!
Tomorrow I have an in-service day at school. That will give me a chance to regain my bearings before the students return on Tuesday. I'm not AS scared of the students as I was, but they're still a pretty intimidating bunch whether they know it or not! I think they can smell fear!
I'm off....


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