Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Teaching is emotionally draining... it takes a lot out of you! Then, add a marching band rehearsal to that (football games start tomorrow!), and now I'm physically drained too! I've almost survived two full weeks. That's kinda hard to believe if I think about it. A teacher stopped me today and told me that she'd heard a student pay me a compliment. I was very surprised, and asked her what they said. Her response was, "Wow - that Ms. Johnson is strict - you'd better not misbehave in her class!" I laughed out loud.... I don't feel like I'm being that strict. I feel like I'm not just teaching those students music, I feel like I'm teaching them manners as well. ("I don't care if you would do that in front of your mother, you're not going to act like that while you're associated with my band." is a phrase I know I've said at least 10 times to 10 different students.) I told that teacher that I didn't feel like the students liked me right now. She was quick to remind me that it's not my job to make the students like me. It's my job to teach them music and to make them better people. I hope that I'm accomplishing both. I also know that as the hard work and discipline that I require pays off musically that they'll like me a little more than they do now. I hope that day comes soon. Until then, if I can survive another week of 7th grade boys, then I call myself a success! :o)


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and your new job. I hope you enjoy it, even when it gets stressful! I'm sorry I missed your birthday! Happy, oh so belated birthday! I miss you! I know we are both soo busy, but I would love to have you over for dinner. Have a nice weekend!


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