Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

Family... what can I say? When compared to the rest of the human race, I got pretty darn lucky when it comes to family. Not TOO many family members in jail, parents that are still married and lovey-dovey after 26 years of marriage...a brother that's normal and not into drugs and junk.... BUT - they still drive me nutto! I've been home now for two days and I'm ready to go home... to MY home where I don't have to sleep on an AeroBed. (Which isn't actually THAT bad) Tim and his family have sent me into this reflection of my family social structure. His family is REALLY close - always talking about everything and doing everything together. Mine's not. I mean, I love them, but overall, I'm not a social-butterfly person, and I typically keep most things to myself rather than telling my family about them. (I know that may not be healthy - but that's the way I am - DEAL!) Why is my family not as close as theirs? Why do we naturally go our own ways instead of hanging out together? The world may never know. Oh, and just as a side note - the movie, Napoleon Dynamite, was awful! There was no plot, and what looked like attempts at humor were just dim witted and downright sad. Anyway - I'm going tomorrow to stay with Tim and his family for a day. Their Brady Bunchish (but not in a bad way) atmosphere is always a challenge for me since I'm such a "loner" type in comparison... but there are good times to be had, and I'm really looking forward to the trip. (Minus the holiday interstate traffic....) Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve!


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